In 2014, a number of unprecedented migrant landings was recorded in Italy. More then 170000 migrants arrived on the Italian coast, an immense figure if you think that in 2013 there were about 43000. Although in recent years the number has decreased, according to the latest data 175000 migrants are part of the Italian reception system of which 8% in the first reception, 78% in the CAS and 14% in the SPRAR. Despite the fact that during these years the regulations on the asylum application have undergone updates both in terms of the procedure and in terms of the number of territorial commissions, the average wait in order to obtain an answer to their own instance exceed one year not considering the timing of appeals in case of refusal. Middle Lives has a double meaning: on the one hand the period this guys are leaving is exactly the half way from what they forced to leave and what their lives will be after the results. On the other, the meaning is linked with their present life, where the time do not pass, where different types of barriers obstruct the opportunity to leave a complete life. A forced suspension, an institutional impasse that throws asylum seekers in a limbo that only bureaucracy can stop. Language problems, cultural differences, the distance of a society that reminds them about the emergency only through the news report are all contributing factors to the social isolation.